Day 76:  A Fractured Group

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » Northern California » Day 76:  A Fractured Group

Merlin, Marble and IPA are behind. Half and Half, Lavalamp and Lucky Charm are ahead. That leaves Mash, Fitz and me in the middle. The chase for the front group is on! Or at least it would be if we could get out of bed and start before 7. Which didn’t happen.

At noon we had lunch on a rock outcropping overlooking a lake, centered in a forest covered valley. I’ll never get enough of this. We all took a nap there, warming ourselves in the sun.

To make the afternoon more interesting, Mash and me took another edible. And sure enough, time dilated and contracted again, at the behest of our fickle wills. We caught up with McQueen’s (Pain Perdue’s husband) group. McQueen tried to talk to me, but in my state then, he didn’t get much high-quality conversation.

We got to the spot we thought the others would be… but there wasn’t a sign of the three. So we camped by ourselves. Fitz took an edible of her own after dinner, it’s effects kicking in just before bedtime. Way to end the day with a banger! 

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