Day 77: 2000 km

2000 km of hiking! What a stupidly long distance and I’m not even halfway.

I found Eschi after the first climb, his ever mischievous look glimmering in his eyes.
‘You just missed Half and Half by 20 minutes. You’ll catch her for sure.’
So I continued on.

After breakfast, I got to our first break spot. Eschi and the rest of his new group (every time I see him he’s with completely new people) were already sitting there.
‘You just missed Half and Half and the others by 20 minutes. But I’m sure if you keep going you’ll catch them eventually.’
I considered going on a full-on chase, but decided against it. Even though it was Half and Halfs turn to carry our shared jar of peanut butter (what a ludicrous idea that turned out to be in hindsight!).

The trail continued through the first burn area in a long time. Burned jet black tree trunks jutted like stains against the emerging green undergrowth. I could discern almost no new saplings. To think of the raging fire that was able to bring down sky high trees such as these. Further off the trail, the views were even more disheartening: ashen grey trees as far as the eye could see, almost blotting out the remaining patches of living vegetation. A terminal disease that would eventually strangle this entire area. What hope does the rest of the world have when untouched forests such as these go up in flames on their own?

I had lunch with Fitz and Mash. To be fair, I don’t mind the three of us spending time together these past few days without the rest of the group. I love them both and our way of hiking seems to match really well.

In the late afternoon, a river suited for a swim awaited. Middle Fork Feather River was a fast running stream with warmer water than the alpine lakes in which we’d bathed ourselves until now. On the shores we found Lavalamp, Lucky Charm and Half and Half.

The swimming was awesome, dare I say, the best so far on trail. We washed the ashes and sweat from our bodies and soaked in the river. McQueen’s group was camped on the shore.

Only a couple miles further was our campsite for the day. Except it was overly crowded and we wouldn’t even be able to cowboy camp if we wanted to. Half and Half, Lavalamp and Lucky Charm, who’d gotten there earlier, had claimed the last spots of ground. Guardian, Shotgun, Merman and ID were there too. Well, no choice but to go on!

The three of us continued for another 2 miles before we found suitable flat ground. 27.5 miles for the day, my new record. We cooked dinner and I admired the trees. They are even bigger here than in the Sierra’s, their canopies stretching far far above me. I was reminded of another passage of Book of the New Sun upon the sight of these giants. In it, Severian wonders if it wouldn’t make sense that at the beginning of time, there were trees, around which earth gathered and formed our world, instead of the other way around.

Eschi and his group eventually arrived, them also being forced to go further after the previous campground was full. I don’t like this giant bubble. It hasn’t been this crowded since the desert. Hope a lot of these people are seriously considering quitting! 

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