Day 13: The Descent

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » The Desert » Day 13: The Descent

Goodbye San Jacinto mountains! the desert beckoned us down and out of the shade of the towering trees, back into the searing sun. The descent was arduous and endless. My muscles ached and my feet were more sore than ever. In the distance we could see Palm Springs’ wind mill parks. Being back in the desert meant back to rattle snake territory. Where in previous days we usually didnt see a single one, three were on the path today. Twice I jumped away panicked.

200 miles down!
One of the rattlers

At the campsite there was a bunch of people, most vaguely familiar. Chewy and Pippin congratulated me on getting my trail name. We sat together, as I tried the famous Idahoan mashed potatoes for the first time. it was delicious.

Tomorrow we head to Whitewater river, the first proper river. Some people are planning to hitch and buy tequila to celebrate cinqo de mayo, but first a well deserved rest.

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