Main event of the day: the trail passed by a McDonalds. As we neared the place in question, Remedy popped up, along with cohorts Tommyhawk and Gnome. Soon other long (meaning more than 2 days) missing companions showed up: Leia, Pebbles, Princess, Daddy Longlegs, Mermaid and Guillaume. New people were Jive Turkey and Machine, a duo whose names had already reached me prior.

Due to the McDonalds dining room being closed, we dumped ourselves on the grass next to the gas station and lounged there for multiple hours. Daddy Longlegs had to get off trail for his son’s graduation in New York, but would be back in a week. He had a giant pine cone strapped to his pack as a souvenir.

We shared a cramped campsite with Tommyhawk and his group. They seem to be roughly at the same pace as us, so maybe we’ll see them again. I also had a second look at Princess’ tent. It definitely does look like a castle.