View of the highway by Steven's Pass

Day 138: One Last Time

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » Washington » Day 138: One Last Time

Due to the closure at the terminus, this was going to be our last section. One last time I refilled and packed my food bag, one last time I left town with a heavy pack. This felt so weird. It couldn’t really be the end right? I realized that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have a 9-5 routine. Or any regular life routine for that matter. How can I ever abandon this? But first, we set out one last time into the wilds, the place that became our home.

Lavalamp however, was not going to come with us. Noro had claimed him the night before, with devastating consequences. Just when I was cured and I thought we got away it gets another of us. There is little chance he’ll be able to catch up to us before the end, but we will see.

Before I left, I looked up Rue McKendrick, the guy I met on trail who said he was doing the American Perimeter Trail, a 12000 mile trail around all of the US. There were some articles on him and the stuff he’s been through on this multi-year journey. My respect for him is immense and his journey humbled me. I should remember to write him an e-mail when this is all over.

Fitz and I got a hitch on the flatbed of a truck. Our driver liked to go fast and it was noticeable. He drove so fast that the wind in the back blocked any possible conversation and at every bend in the road I prayed I would die quickly if I got catapulted out.
‘I wasn’t going too fast?’ the driver asked us, as we climbed out of the truck slightly shaken, hair blown wild by the wind ,’my girlfriend kept saying I should slow down since we got people in the back. But I figured you guys would think it’s fun.’
Sure thing man, sure thing.

A slightly lost Bilbo was sitting at the Steven’s Pass lodge. He had been sick and was trying to catch up to his group.

Gaspard came out of the lodge. I happily hugged him. He also had sad news. This was the end for him. He was at his limit. How disheartening, but I understood. This time our goodbye was final. Beautiful, wonderful Gaspard, appeared alway when I needed it the most. And he was leaving. It was so long ago now, when we sat together at Scout and Frodo, unsure of what the journey would bring us and if we were up to the task. I hope our paths cross again, some time in the future.

Selfie with Gaspard in Kennedy Meadows South
Gaspard, all the way back in the desert

Then it was time for 6 miles of evaluating whether I was truly healed. Luckily that was the case and I could even keep up with Fitz and Mash again. What a relief. Time to walk to the very end. 

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