Smoky haze over the North Cascades

Day 142: Peter and Pippin

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » Washington » Day 142: Peter and Pippin

Some solitary miles today. The rest of the group didn’t make it to our camp tonight, so I continued on with Half and Half and Peter. Peter was pretty beat from the long day yesterday. He stopped earlier and we said goodbye to him and his dog Pippin. I was quite impressed he could keep up for this long, considering his heavy pack and that he’s a section hiker.

Obligatory selfie to remember him by

The smoky haze kept putting a gray film over all the views. The scenery was still beautiful, but I could only imagine what it must look like with clear skies. The smoke also changed the hue of the sunlight. All day I saw deep golden light fall through the trees, as if dusk was coming. An eerie atmosphere hung in the air, as if daylight had never come and a perpetual evening had taken its place.

I camped with Half and Half and Moonpie’s group, eating my final dehydrated meal I had saved for this evening. Tomorrow it is time for Stehekin, the very last town. 

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