Day 67: Tales from FarOut

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A beautiful uneventful day. The tail end of the Sierra’s might not be as high and imposing, it is none the less very impressive. We did 25 miles today, a good start for what I’m aiming for as average in Northern California. I had a good talk with Lime-a-rita (what the hell is that name?!), after briefly meeting him in Kennedy Meadows North. ‘The world has almost become an obstacle that we need to overcome’, he said at some point. I couldn’t agree more.

As not that much happened, I wanted to write about FarOut. FarOut is far more than our navigation app. People can comment on water sources and camp sites, helping those who come after. Many of these are super helpful. Others elevate their comments to an art. Three such individuals come to mind.

Spicing up the trail diet with black bean hummus and chips wraps

The first one I’ve forgotten the name of sadly. He/she always commented about the amount of space in campsites and used whales to express this. ‘Could fit x large whales here’ will stay ingrained into my memory. Make whales a unit of measure!

The second is FatDog. He is the head of the High Sierra Dragon Watch, keeping us all safe of the danger that lurks in the mountains. High pass landmarks on FarOut often had some useful tips on how to make it through without getting eaten. Sometimes FatDog reported that a dragon had been slain on certain passes. Great stuff.

The third is sticky. Sticky is the most impressive as he’s been writing haiku’s on campsites and watersources for more than a month (and I probably missed a lot). His comments often get downvoted, presumably by his trail family, but I always try to turn the tide. Go sticky! Below an example from a campsite:

skeeter factory
specializing in turmoil
need blood transfusion

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