Day 11: Idyllwild

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Back to town! Idyllwild was the place this time. Based on the name, Coyote and I had expected the place to be populated by elves living in houses in giant trees. Upon arriving, there were neither elves nor treehouses, but instead, a charming village with all the luxuries (shower, place to sleep, laundry, restaurants with giant portions) we could need, so our disappointment was shortlived.

We rented a campsite and set about cleaning ourselves and our clothes for the first time in 10 days. What I had perceived to be a tan, washed clean off in a stream of brown water under the shower. At the campground, Calves, staying there longer term due to injury, showed us how some of the trees have a sweet smell.

Cory and Adam on the right, just as they’re leaving town

After, we replenished our energy by eating burgers in a local restaurant (I had never seen a burger with a 1 pound patty, nor did I think I would ever be able to finish one). Sitting on the terrace, we talked to many familiar hikers passing by, among which were Valerie and Maarten. As per their habit, they had descended in the morning from the mountain, bought resupplies in the supermarket and were getting ready to head back up again, neither resting in town nor having a decent meal.

A truly ridiculous burger

So many people we had met earlier had gathered into town that day, many of whom we hadn’t seen in days: Katie, Pickle Nick, Update, Breezy, Lily, Justus, Alex, Gopher, Jef, Pine Cone (woohoow!), Billy Goat (previously Molly), Sticky, Big Red, Ivo, Robyn, Bill, Jessica, Cory, Mac and Adam. Even Manabu and verena were there, people we hadn’t seen since day 1.

Meal nr 2!

We went out and I stayed up until 1am, something unthinkable on trail. Billy Goat giving the worst and most hilarious imitation of Smeagol from Lord of the Rings.

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