Being in the desert here means being under the treeline. A weird concept as I didn’t think there could be anything underneath it. Anyway, that was our goal today, climbing to the treeline. Chris and Boots slept way too long for us, so Coyote and me set out on our own, agreeing to meet up at a cabin in the woods 20 miles further. We followed the Mission Creek river bed, often losing the trail in the white sand and rocks.

One sweaty climb later, we escaped White Water preserve and entered the San Gorgonino wilderness, where slowly trees, and thus shade, became more plentiful. I was glad to see the mighty pine trees once more.

Not many familiar faces on trail today, besides Gnome, Daddy Longlegs and Split, although we only met those yesterday. We got to know some others: Pickle, an art director from the Bay Area, Laura a german girl and Mermaid, a marine biologist from Cairns, Australia.

The cabin we were supposed to meet was rented out by a group, loud metal music coming from the porch, so we camped a bit from it. No sign of Chris and Boots sadly.