Day 49: Bishop

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All the usual today: resupply, checking gear, buying new stuff etc. As the mosquitoes had targeted me last time I bought a headnet for protection.

A few surprise people arrived at the hostel. The first two being Disaster and Big Oil. The third I hadn’t seen since Idyllwild: Gopher! Gopher wasn’t the most exciting person to hang around with, but as I knew him since basically the start, it was really nice to see him again.

I want to hold on to this very jarring image of Mash and Beetle on bikes

Mash and Lucky made vegetarian Mac and Cheese for everyone that night. It was delicious and way better than the overpriced restaurant meals here.

I thought about what constitutes a good trail name that night. Some seemed to be purely based on appearance (nobody really needed to ask how Crazy Neighbor or Gnome got their names), others are terribly bland in their attempt to be cool (looking at you, Renegade) and a third group is based on some funny or amazing thing people did. Of these last ones, Tortilla has got to be the best one I heard so far. Tortilla found himself without toilet paper one time after digging a cathole and, quite rationally, decided to resort to tortillas to clean himself. 

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