The climb up Pinchot was endless. Even though it was not hard, it tested all our spirits. It was probably the most beautiful day so far though, with icy lakes and green meadows popping up everywhere.

Spice told me a hilarious story about how her rabbit, Milwood, would have a litter with his sister and most likely with his daughter afterwards. Quite the rascal, that rabbit.
Speaking of rabbits, I met Comatose, Midnight and Rabbit, who also had a belgian in their group, they told me. He had carried a Cara pils from Belgium and posed with it at every 100 mile mark. I kind of hate that, it’s the sort of stuff I tried to get away from. They asked me to teach them some Flemish so they could surprise him. ‘Cool!’ I thought. Until I found out the only 2 words they wanted to know were asshole and cancer.
We’re taking our time now during the day, giving this landscape the attention it deserves and letting it seep in. About half the group is ahead of us, but we found a nice, almost mosquitoless area to camp behind them, so I’m quite fine with that.