Kennedy Meadows North, as per their own saying, has nothing to do with Kennedy Meadows South. Kennedy Meadows North has better infrastructure, food and hiker supplies. Kennedy Meadows North even had Starlink wifi, exclusively for pct hikers. Kennedy Meadows North was also absurdly expensive for the meagre services on offer.

It all began quite well when we got into the restaurant for dinner (I was eager to try the locally sourced beef that our shuttle driver talked so much about). After a very long time waiting for our food, commotion erupted on the other end of the room. Our waitress had fainted and was being carried out by 2 others supporting her. Typical business for a place called Kennedy Meadows.
Camping cost 40 dollars. To be fair, this gave us wifi, laundry, a 7 minute shower and camping. I thought this was expensive, but still okay, until I saw the ‘reserved PCT campground’, an anaemic patch of dirt that barely fit the tents of our 7 person group, let alone any others. Veto’s group, who got in after us, all had to cowboy camp, simply because of the lack of space. Quite steep for 40 dollars.

The final insult came when I found out there was only one tap with drinkable water. Which was in the general store. Which was closed. I hereby dislike all places called Kennedy Meadows. Can’t wait to get our, most likely way overpriced, resupply here and get the hell out of this noisy place.