Day 70: South Lake Tahoe

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I like South Lake Tahoe and I haven’t said that about a trail town in a while. It’s got public transport, actual good food and beaches. I couldn’t wish for anything more. Mash was super eager to eat mediterranean, so we did that, together with Half and Half, Merlin and Marble. Right after, we went to see the new Top Gun movie, along with Cookie and IPA. It was so nice to watch a good Tom Cruise movie. I realized I miss movies in general. On the way out I ran into Knuckles and Powerplant, which is never a bad thing.

We were going to go to a music festival on one of the beaches, but it was so far and we were so tired of the rush that we just chilled at the hostel. Sitting and doing nothing is underrated.

Since South Lake Tahoe is split between California and Nevada, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to cross the stateline. So Half and Half, Mash and me set out on a Nevada adventure. As expected, the other side of the border was filled with flashy casino’s. We picked one on the way and went in. It looked exactly like in the movies. bright sparkling machines, blackjack tables and people with a dead stare in their eyes, eager to sacrifice more money to chance. It weirded me out. Even though I understand the psychologics behind gambling addiction, it still seemed incomprehensible that people chose to spend their evening continuously pressing a button and losing money in the process. We took some photos for the heck of it and quickly got out of that uncomfortable place.

That’s one off the bucket list

IPA brought us the unfortunate news that Bard was in the hostel. Lavalamp had spotted him earlier in the gear store, so it made sense that he was there. Luckily, we didn’t see him more that evening.

I posted some blog articles before going to sleep. It occurred to me that some people I met that I didn’t give any attention to in my notes became important over the course of the trail, while vice versa, others were relegated to being side characters that disappeared soon after I met them. 

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