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Straight from the source

Day 46: Mt Whitney

4421 meters, I did it! Our march up Whitney (or Hwitney, as Coyote would no doubt prefer) started at 1 am, in pitch black darkness. A train of headlamp lights formed along the slopes of the mountain. ...

Day 45: Prelude to Whitney

The altitude is kicking in hard. Small climbs that I would have been able to run up now require great effort and make me run out of breath. Positive thought is that we will be flying in Northern ...

Day 44: Drowsiness

My hope of getting used to the elevation quickly was in vain. The day started out good, my achew from yesterday were almost gone and I was cruising the first 10 miles. After those however, I got ...

Day 43: the Sierra’s

My first day in the Sierra’s was characterized by beautiful, green scenery and knee and hip pain from carrying my now very heavy backpack. The bear canister, microspikes and 6+ days of food had ...

Day 42: Goodbye Kennedy Meadows

Finally! We’re out! I was so tired of Kennedy Meadows. The overflow of people making me feel more exhausted than when I arrived here. It was really nice to see so many people I hadn’t seen ...

Day 41: Repairs

I’m starting to itch to get back on trail. Kennedy Meadows is not a nice place to spend multiple days. It’s hot, dry, loud and everything takes an eternity, from ordering food to doing ...

Day 40: Kennedy Meadows

What slovenly figures come trudging down the road? A film of dust covers their ragged clothes and sun-burned skin, a ravenous look of hunger glimmers in their eyes. As their skinny forms approach the ...

Day 39: The Pool People

With Lucky Charm in tow, Mash and I continued our advance into Kennedy Meadows. We took a break at the first water source to have a second breakfast. Then, something happened. From around the corner, ...

Day 38: Quest for Lucky Charm

Mash and I woke up early to continue. I had slept so good in our almost wind-free campsite. Christopher and Jive Turkey accompanied us on the first stretch. Mash was a little ahead of me and waiting ...