The Pacific Crest trail is a long-distance trail in the US and runs from the Mexican border to the Canadian border, going through California, Oregon and Washington. The trail is divided into five sections: the desert, the Sierra’s, Northern California, Oregon and Washington. In 2022 I hiked this trail northbound. This page collects everything I’ve written on the trail, from what motivated me to do it in the first place to a day-by-day trail diary to give more insight into what the PCT is like on a daily basis. There is plenty more to come!
Map of the PCT
Trail Diary
On the trail, I endeavoured to keep a journal chronicling my experiences. The main motivation was to remember all the small things that would otherwise fade too quickly and to integrate the things I learned on the trail in my regular life afterwards. Every night I wrote down the highlights of the day and am now in the process of posting them all here. The focus is on quirky people I met, animal sightings, funny stories and how the trail fundamentally changes a person.