It’s starting! After an early drive to the monument indicating the start of the trail (and the obligatory photo moments), we set off.

The desert is more verdant and colorful than I could imagine. Before long, all signs of human settlements (barring some power lines) are out of sight and Simon and me start feeling like adventurers.

Along the way, we see many familiar faces, people we met at Scout and Frodo. Whenever we part ways, it is always with the intention to see each other again in the near future. However, I’m painfully aware that every time we say goodbye could be the last time. The trail is not designed to keep people together and it seems it is very easy to stay separated. But for now I’ll stay optimistic.
One notable figure was Leo. We came across him twice, both times he was sitting meditatively on a big rock, greeting us with a broad smile. I hope we keep running into him, preferably always sitting in the sun on a rock, so he can turn into some mythical figure, popping up when you least expect him.

We ended the day with 20 miles (32 km) on the tracker. Simon seems wrecked, the last climb taking a lot out of him. We picked up a wheezing and puffing swedish guy in the last stretch. I honestly thought he would give up in the middle of the trail, but he kept up, solely motivated by the thought of a big burger at the campsite.
On the camping, we were reunited with Gaspard, our cheerful french friend. Seeing him sitting in front of his tent, a grin plastered on his face, ended a great first day.

Tomorrow will be slower, probably not bad for me as well.