Another solitary day in Three Sisters. I can’t believe so many people chose to skip this section as it is so far the absolute highlight of Oregon. A kind of humble, inviting nature that is more suited to humans than the rugged Sierra’s or Northern California. For our late lunch, we picked South Mathieu Lake.
When Fitz, Mash and me got there, we were greeted by a very familiar girl now in Hawaiian shirt. Half and Half!! We cheered at the long awaited reunion with our lost tramily member. It had been about a month since she speeded ahead of us to make it in time to hike in Oregon with her family. At the time, there were concerns about the timing of her linking back up with us again afterwafds, but somehow, it worked out perfectly as here she was!
We caught up with her and took a celebratory swim in the lake. A long time was spent lying on the lakeshore, digesting our lunch.

The next section came out of absolutely nowhere: miles and miles of hiking in volcanic rock, as far as the eye could see. It looked akin to Mordor from Lord of the Rings. Terribly annoying for our feet to walk on the loose lying rocks, but oh so impressive to look at such a desolate landscape. I’d never seen it on a scale as this. I climbed a hill slightly of the trail and was rewarded with a view of barren land and bleached white trees dotting the horizon.

I arrived at camp famished, thirsty and tired but very satisfied.