Almost time for town again, but first, a stop I’d been very much looking forward to. Perched next to the titular lake, was Big Lake Youth Camp. I’d been dying of curiosity to see what a Christian youth camp looked like. Would they sing Jesus songs? Bible quotes adorning every building? Group leaders teaching kids not to frontal hug but go for a side hug whenever they could? (I did not invent that last one, Lucky Charm experienced it herself years ago)

The main reason for stopping there was to partake of the breakfast buffet that was offered to all PCT hikers. And was it worth it! The breakfast was absolutely delicious and besides some Bible quotes on walls, I didn’t notice much religious undertones. Just a group of kids doing fun activities all day. It felt kind of funny to sit amongst teenagers, being the grimy thru-hikers that we are.
To finish the last miles to Santiam Pass, where a hitch would take us to Bend, we put on the silent disco playlist again. I’m having a blast with these shared playlists that we’re making. I should remember to create a couple more.
Then, just as suddenly as always, we reached another major milestone: 2000 miles, or 3200km. While I was proud of what we all did, this meant only 650 miles remained. Less than the entire desert of Southern California. Crazy to think the journey was slowly but surely shortening. We’d barely gotten to Oregon and now it was already almost over. Washington awaited.

A friendly hitch later, we found ourselves in Bend. Usually, town arrivals go as follows: we plan to do resupply instantly, but we’re starving so we get food first. Afterwards, we fall into an inevitable food coma and end up doing nothing the rest of the day. Not this time! This time we broke the cycle! A quick stop to Trader Joe’s and Safeway and our resupply task was completed! High time to go lay in a bed.
Lavalamp, Lucky Charm and me headed out to get an actual ramen. Filled and satisfied after the meal, we went into a cider bar next door that had live music going. Disaster, Big Oil, Big Bear and Mouse were inside, the only other hikers I’d seen so far. They informed us the bar offered a free drink to hikers. Sweet! In the bar’s trail register I found clear evidence of the bubble, that was created in Ashland because of the fires, passing through. Today and yesterday had barely any signed names, but there were almost 50 the two days before that. Amongst them was Fat Bitch’ name. She must be far ahead now.
Fitz and Mash stormed in and joined us at our table. Lucky Charm and Lavalamp left, but I stayed. Quite drunk, I took an Uber back with Fitz and Mash. I felt overwhelmed by tenderness for these people I find myself with. As long as I’m with them everything is ok. Life is good.
When I got back to the hotel, there was one final surprise: Half and Half had arrived. The gang was complete once again! I went to bed with a head filled with happy thoughts.