Day 114: Bend

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We had plans for Bend. Big plans. There would be bowling, axe throwing and strolls along the river. None of that happened and instead, we collectively lay in bed for most of the day. The one thing we managed to do was laundry and buying temporary poop tattoos. Nothing to sniff at, if you ask me.

Advertisement for a duck race in Bend
My biggest regret of the entire trail: we did not get to see the duck race

To end the day, we went out to the Crux Fermentation Project, another brewery that offered pct hikers a free beer. It seemed that every other place in town did that. Not that I’m complaining. Sitting at a picnic table outside the brewery, we watched the sun go down over the Sisters mountains. I decided I liked Bend. It was an actual nice town where people lived and didn’t just exist for tourists or hikers. Every place I’d been to exuded energy and modernity. Maybe this was even my favourite town here so far. What a difference from the plethora of crappy hiker towns we’d passed.

As the brewery closed, we called it a day as well and enjoyed the last night in an actual bed. 

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