Day 140: Glacier Peak

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » Washington » Day 140: Glacier Peak

The trail goes out with a bang, in many ways. The scenery is achingly beautiful and awe-inspiring beyond words. This part of Washington is like if the Sierra’s had vegetation. Then there is the smoke from the fires all over the county that gathered in the valleys of the trail, making things just that little bit harder and hazier. Finally, at lunch there was the sad news that Fitz had gotten noro as well. She had been vomitting all night and couldn’t hike today. Not sure if she went back to Steven’s Pass or if she stayed at camp all day. Hope she gets better soon. Seems like the sickness is claiming all of us one by one.

In the afternoon I met Peter, a section hiker and his dog Pippin. Had a really nice talk with him and he camped with the six of us in the evening. 

2500 miles! But honestly, who cares at this point

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