at Ross Lake Resort with my friends

Day 152: The Last Goodbye

Home » Hiking » Pacific Crest Trail » Washington » Day 152: The Last Goodbye

Kayaking back to the resort was uneventful, differing only in me and IPA being a lot better in steering the kayak than when we left Ross Lake Resort. My arms felt sore, but stronger than on the first day. That last day was a blur of moments and feelings. We had a final dinner in a Korean restaurant, of all places, in Marblemount, recommended by Jive Turkey on FarOut. Merlin and Marble were going to stay to hike to Hart’s Pass and get the final trail miles. So we said goodbye. Since they are moving down to New Zealand eventually, it won’t be too long until I see them again. I got to hike the Te Araroa at some point.

Selfie from our kayaks
Kayaking trash?

The four of us remaining, Fitz, IPA, Mash and me, drove back to Seattle. IPA was headed for Vancouver while Mash and Fitz were going on a small roadtrip down to LA, where Mash would fly back to England.

As for me, I was going to stay in Seattle and catch a flight back home tomorrow morning. I hugged everyone goodbye, promising to see them again at some point. I was alone once again. I trudged up to the hostel I was staying for the night and lay in bed. Time to go home.

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